Karerhof – organic products & sustainable holidays in the Dolomites

More than just a marketing gimmick

Sustainability: a much (and unfortunately often wrongly) used word. Here at the Karerhof in Welschnofen we live and breathe the real meaning of the term. From organic farming to wood chip heating, the photovoltaic system and natural building materials: The aim is always to do business in a way that is suitable for grandchildren.

One family, one passion

May we briefly introduce ourselves? We are the Pardeller family, your hosts. For us, sustainability and family belong together, which is why we feel it is appropriate to introduce ourselves on this page dedicated to sustainability.

Christine - passionate farmer


The passionate farmer and certified herbal expert is what you could call the “good soul of the house”. In addition to the household and the huge herb and vegetable garden, she also takes care of the apartments and your well-being.

Bernd - working in the nature


Your host has been rooted in nature since childhood. He strives to preserve the legacy of his ancestors in an innovative and modern way. Beside his work on the farm, he works as a forester, which means that he is constantly in the nature.

Selma & Johann

The animal experts on the farm. They look after the small animals on the farm when they are not playing and running around, and look forward to introducing you to our pygmy goats and rabbits.

“Humans eat meat – most of them, at least. So the least you can do as a farmer is to offer the animals a liveable and enjoyable time – even if it is short. We don’t just want to offer organic, we really want to live it. Our farm is small, but the few animals we keep, are kept the way they should be kept!”

Host & farmer Bernd Pardeller

Holidays on the organic farm

Out of respect for our animals and nature, we have dedicated ourselves entirely to organic farming. Something that is seen all around the farm:

  • Our cattle of the old, traditional Grauvieh breed can always roam FREE: in summer on the meadow, in winter in the stable.
  • With suckler cow husbandry, we practice the most NATURAL form of animal husbandry.
  • We feed our cattle exclusively with OUR OWN fodder (grass, hay, herbs). We do not buy any concentrated feed. We feed our pigs with grass and hay, in winter with some additional grain.
  • We treat nature with CARE without wasting it.
  • For our guests who value e-mobility, we have e-charging stations.
Fresh dairy products - cheese Fresh from the garden Bacon In harmony with nature

Products from organic farming

Meat, bacon, sausage, eggs, dairy products, but also juices, fruit spreads and herbal salts: Our products come from certified organic production (Bioland South Tyrol). Our goal is as simple as it is demanding: To produce simply good and healthy products in harmony with nature.

Energy that lasts - Karerhof

Energy that lasts

Electricity from hydroelectric power, photovoltaic system on the roof or woodchip system with wood from our forest: For us, the use of renewable energies is part of environmentally friendly management.